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Equilibrium Empty
BeitragThema: Equilibrium   Equilibrium EmptyMo Jan 25, 2010 3:23 am

I wish we acually lived in a society of total equilibrium, everyone would have the same rights, there wouldnt any diffrences depending on race or gender.....more specificaly gender......guys wouldnt be the only ones to take initiative....which i would like quite alot.....

HammO any chance of puting this into your communist revolution?
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Equilibrium Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Equilibrium   Equilibrium EmptyMo Jan 25, 2010 8:00 am

Didn't you already make a thread like this, except about women?


Anyways, I made my point in a pretty verbose fashion in my post in the other thread, but I'll make it short: There will never be true equality. It is impossible. Even if there was a huge memory wipe so people forgot about prejudices etc., physical differences will always influence people. This is more men/women than races, but it's partially true with races, too.
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Equilibrium Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Equilibrium   Equilibrium EmptyMo Jan 25, 2010 3:40 pm

It might not be "natural," but it's possible. The argument that humans automatically develop prejudices and social standings because that's how we've evolved is probably true, but it doesn't need to be. If society as a whole moves toward making everything equal then Sushi's idea of equilibrium is possible. Even if we're programmed to think that we're better than other races, ect, if society can turn around and make the belief in complete equality universally accepted, then eventually prejudice and racism will go away entirely. Obviously this is unlikely to happen without a little push (Communist takeover Very Happy), but the human willingness to emulate others and go along with a general consensus is powerful enough so that we will go against our "programmed" behavior of bigotry if everyone else does.
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Equilibrium Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Equilibrium   Equilibrium EmptyMo Jan 25, 2010 9:42 pm

the world does live in an equilibrium.

You have used poor choices of words in this.
equilibrium's tend to shift to on side.

Men <--> Women

that is our equilibrium

at the moment we have it more to the men's side of the equilibrium and always had.
To try make things more equal women has pushed for more rights, but because it is an equilibrium that has not worked out so men side of things grow.

Proof of this is that after the big feminist movement and things died down more and more women has slid back to being housewives and never working. I have seen a small doco on this based in Australia.

There are lots of ways the world runs on equilibrium.

I understand what you are saying but you have used the wrong word.
and ended up saying something different.
(oh and I know that my example isn't perfect but it's on topic with the post so forgive it Wink )
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Equilibrium Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Equilibrium   Equilibrium EmptyMi Jan 27, 2010 6:44 pm

Equality FTW! I'll join your revolution!
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BeitragThema: Re: Equilibrium   Equilibrium Empty

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