please note this is extremely long but its funny as hell!
lod super theta (1:26:47 AM): im here and im... here
lod super theta (1:26:54 AM): on my G3
nd4spd95 (1:26:56 AM): YAY
lod super theta (1:26:58 AM): again
nd4spd95 (1:27:05 AM): why'd u say u were going?
nd4spd95 (1:27:13 AM): and why are u always on ur g3?
lod super theta (1:27:16 AM): >.< the overheat sound on my G5 is unbearable
lod super theta (1:27:33 AM): for like 10 mins then it shorts out
nd4spd95 (1:27:36 AM): lol
lod super theta (1:27:45 AM): I had to turn it off lol
nd4spd95 (1:27:51 AM): overhead sound?
lod super theta (1:27:53 AM): or my head would explsode
lod super theta (1:27:56 AM): ya
lod super theta (1:27:59 AM): i modded it
nd4spd95 (1:28:04 AM): LOL
nd4spd95 (1:28:10 AM): why? and what did u do to it?
lod super theta (1:28:19 AM): becasue my last G5 oevrheated, cost me 5 thousand moolah
lod super theta (1:28:35 AM): and yes
nd4spd95 (1:28:43 AM): why 5000???
lod super theta (1:29:02 AM): I got down and dirty witha soldiering knife and a small speaker + some transistors
lod super theta (1:29:09 AM): 5000...
lod super theta (1:29:26 AM): well, lets just say always keep a fire extinguisher handy
nd4spd95 (1:29:31 AM): lol
nd4spd95 (1:29:35 AM): but why 5000???
nd4spd95 (1:29:40 AM): in fire damage?
lod super theta (1:29:49 AM): New desk, fire damage to te wall. and a new comp
nd4spd95 (1:29:55 AM): lol
lod super theta (1:29:56 AM): the new cop was 3000
lod super theta (1:30:03 AM): comp*
lod super theta (1:30:17 AM): 2000 in fire damage, heh
lod super theta (1:30:50 AM): I gotta tell ya computer fires are Hard to put out
lod super theta (1:31:01 AM): burned for 30 mins
nd4spd95 (1:31:01 AM): LOL
lod super theta (1:31:40 AM): oooh my.... brb >.>
nd4spd95 (1:31:50 AM): ok
lod super theta (1:32:40 AM): dude, look at Tycho's profile at WHMT
nd4spd95 (1:32:50 AM): ok
nd4spd95 (1:32:56 AM): brb
lod super theta (1:33:39 AM):It shows the exact locatin of him on my G5
nd4spd95 (1:33:43 AM): LOL
lod super theta (1:33:58 AM): WHEN DID HE LEARN... what si that french?
nd4spd95 (1:33:58 AM): BRB
lod super theta (1:34:11 AM): looks like french
lod super theta (1:34:14 AM): or greek
lod super theta (1:34:17 AM): >.>
nd4spd95 (1:35:41 AM): back
nd4spd95 (1:35:52 AM): same thing happened to this guy: super theta (1:36:00 AM): cant watch it
lod super theta (1:36:05 AM): old crappy ass G3
nd4spd95 (1:36:10 AM): lol
lod super theta (1:36:18 AM): old flash/java -_-
lod super theta (1:36:22 AM): SHITFUCK
nd4spd95 (1:36:38 AM): he's sitting there and all the sudden his computer bursts into flames
nd4spd95 (1:36:45 AM): it's hillarious
lod super theta (1:36:46 AM): LOLZZZZZ!!!!
lod super theta (1:36:49 AM): why?
nd4spd95 (1:37:00 AM): the reaction on his face
lod super theta (1:37:06 AM): ;p
nd4spd95 (1:37:20 AM): he's describing his computer and then WHAM! WHOOSH! AAAHHHH!!!!
lod super theta (1:37:32 AM): lol
lod super theta (1:38:22 AM): oh my, i have 929 posts at WHMT ;O
lod super theta (1:38:28 AM): mehehe
nd4spd95 (1:38:28 AM): OMG
lod super theta (1:38:46 AM): lawl
lod super theta (1:38:51 AM): near 1000 posts
lod super theta (1:39:02 AM): I should get an award lol
nd4spd95 (1:39:25 AM): lol
lod super theta (1:39:59 AM): Hey do yo think its wierd when Noobs end every thing with z's and lolz.
lod super theta (1:40:16 AM): like :heyz niggaz ommaz aweosmez lolz!!!!!"
nd4spd95 (1:40:21 AM): i know
nd4spd95 (1:40:23 AM): lolz
lod super theta (1:40:24 AM): lol
nd4spd95 (1:40:25 AM): LOL
lod super theta (1:40:28 AM): LOLOLOLOLOL!
lod super theta (1:40:32 AM): LOLLLLLLLLZl
lod super theta (1:40:33 AM): lolol
lod super theta (1:40:34 AM): L
lod super theta (1:40:35 AM): oL
lod super theta (1:40:36 AM): ol
lod super theta (1:40:36 AM): o
nd4spd95 (1:40:36 AM): lolz is an exception
lod super theta (1:40:37 AM): lo
lod super theta (1:40:39 AM): lololololololololololol
lod super theta (1:40:40 AM): olololo
lod super theta (1:40:41 AM): lololol
lod super theta (1:40:52 AM): hehehe
nd4spd95 (1:40:55 AM): dude, get on ur G5 and watch this super theta (1:41:00 AM): I cannot
nd4spd95 (1:41:06 AM): i don't care how much u dont wanna
nd4spd95 (1:41:16 AM): I mean this one super theta (1:41:17 AM): its like, near 200 degrees farenhight in there
nd4spd95 (1:41:22 AM): O_O
lod super theta (1:41:33 AM): its on 14 hours of the day
nd4spd95 (1:41:49 AM): I know! I'll take a video of the video and send it to you!
lod super theta (1:41:56 AM): >.<
nd4spd95 (1:41:56 AM): in .mp4 or .mov format!
lod super theta (1:42:00 AM): what format
lod super theta (1:42:04 AM): .mov
nd4spd95 (1:42:06 AM): ok
nd4spd95 (1:42:08 AM): just a sec
lod super theta (1:42:12 AM): i dont think i can see .mp4
nd4spd95 (1:44:43 AM): omg.... 108MB?!?
lod super theta (1:44:50 AM): wtfwtfwtf
lod super theta (1:44:57 AM): that will take 4 evers
nd4spd95 (1:45:14 AM): lemme do it again
lod super theta (1:45:18 AM): OH SNAP
lod super theta (1:45:27 AM): GAAH SYSTEM FREEEZE
nd4spd95 (1:45:34 AM): smeesh
lod super theta (1:45:38 AM): im frozen dammit
lod super theta (1:45:42 AM): what do i doz
lod super theta (1:45:47 AM): >.<
nd4spd95 (1:45:48 AM): shut the comp off
lod super theta (1:45:51 AM): y
nd4spd95 (1:45:51 AM): lol
nd4spd95 (1:45:55 AM): cuz ur frozen!
lod super theta (1:46:02 AM): ITS A ******* MAC YOU INBUSILE!
nd4spd95 (1:46:13 AM): so?!?
nd4spd95 (1:46:19 AM): there's a power button..
lod super theta (1:46:23 AM): MACS DONT DO DAT
nd4spd95 (1:46:29 AM): mine does :-)
lod super theta (1:46:35 AM): and my iMacs button is stuck
lod super theta (1:46:39 AM): read about it
nd4spd95 (1:46:42 AM): unplug it
lod super theta (1:46:46 AM): its a defect in all G3 iMacs
lod super theta (1:46:51 AM): I ANT SO TAHT!
lod super theta (1:46:58 AM): i will lose valuable info!
lod super theta (1:47:00 AM): omg
nd4spd95 (1:47:01 AM): wait... how r u talkin to me then if ur frosen?
nd4spd95 (1:47:04 AM): no u wont
nd4spd95 (1:47:07 AM): i dont think....
lod super theta (1:47:12 AM): JESUS FUCKIGN CHRIST
lod super theta (1:47:22 AM): I unpluged my mouse by mistake...
lod super theta (1:47:27 AM): false alarm XD
nd4spd95 (1:47:27 AM): lol
lod super theta (1:47:41 AM): Hardware overview
Machine ID: 406
Model name: iMac
Keyboard type: Apple USB Keyboard
Processor info: PowerPC G3
Machine speed: 400 MHz
Nanokernel version: 2.27
Nanokernel pool extends: 11
Nanokernel scheduled CPUs:1
uni-n: 3
nd4spd95 (1:47:42 AM): wait, make NO sound
lod super theta (1:47:48 AM): y
nd4spd95 (1:47:48 AM): ok?
lod super theta (1:47:53 AM): wtf
nd4spd95 (1:47:53 AM): just dont
lod super theta (1:47:54 AM): y
nd4spd95 (1:47:56 AM): I'm makin a vid
lod super theta (1:48:00 AM): k
nd4spd95 (1:48:00 AM): and there's sound
lod super theta (1:48:03 AM): k
nd4spd95 (1:48:04 AM): shhhh
lod super theta (1:48:05 AM): k
nd4spd95 (1:51:30 AM): brb
lod super theta (1:51:34 AM): k
nd4spd95 (1:51:52 AM): wtv, sound doesn't work, I'll just give ya the vid
lod super theta (1:51:57 AM): k
lod super theta (1:52:07 AM): k
lod super theta (1:52:08 AM): k
lod super theta (1:52:10 AM): k
lod super theta (1:52:12 AM): KAY
nd4spd95 (1:52:24 AM): dat font is weird
nd4spd95 (1:52:34 AM): OMG
lod super theta (1:52:37 AM): dood one hour and 20 mins
nd4spd95 (1:52:40 AM): 153MB??!?!
nd4spd95 (1:52:50 AM): god
nd4spd95 (1:52:52 AM): hold on
lod super theta (1:53:02 AM): LOL
lod super theta (1:53:08 AM): i dont need it
lod super theta (1:53:19 AM): ill just wait till tomorrow
nd4spd95 (1:53:21 AM): no
nd4spd95 (1:53:23 AM): it's SOOO
nd4spd95 (1:53:24 AM): funy
lod super theta (1:53:41 AM): super theta (1:53:47 AM): my iMac is buggy
lod super theta (1:53:55 AM): DVD will not play!
lod super theta (1:54:01 AM): >_<
nd4spd95 (1:54:03 AM): LOL
lod super theta (1:54:13 AM): lol?
lod super theta (1:54:20 AM): its just plain annoying
lod super theta (1:54:52 AM): ANNOYING... LIKE THIS RIGHT HERE!!! SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM!
lod super theta (1:55:13 AM): LOLSPAM
nd4spd95 (1:55:20 AM): shhh
lod super theta (1:55:22 AM):
lod super theta (1:55:25 AM): LOL
lod super theta (1:55:26 AM): LOL
lod super theta (1:55:30 AM): LOLLLLLLZ nd4spd95 (1:55:32 AM): making vid, shut up
lod super theta (1:55:37 AM): XD
nd4spd95 (1:56:31 AM): ok, done
lod super theta (1:56:35 AM): lol
nd4spd95 (1:56:36 AM): it's processing
lod super theta (1:56:45 AM): pwned by giant text ****
nd4spd95 (1:56:45 AM): dood, funniest video EVER
lod super theta (1:56:55 AM): lol
lod super theta (1:56:57 AM): k
lod super theta (1:57:37 AM): :O
lod super theta (1:57:45 AM): where did my giant text go
nd4spd95 (1:57:51 AM): lol
lod super theta (1:57:58 AM): HERE IT IZZ!!!!!!!!!!
nd4spd95 (1:58:08 AM): awww
lod super theta (1:58:20 AM):
lod super theta (1:58:28 AM): YES
lod super theta (1:58:36 AM): wait... nond4spd95 (1:58:41 AM): ?
lod super theta (1:58:44 AM):
lod super theta (1:59:06 AM): this is retarded, you are retarded. THE WHOLE WORLD IS RETARDED BLUAAAAAAGH!!!!lod super theta (1:59:36 AM): ow im bored again
lod super theta (2:00:09 AM): lalala
lod super theta (2:00:16 AM): Hey do you play marathon?
nd4spd95 (2:00:19 AM): yes
nd4spd95 (2:00:23 AM): we've played b4
nd4spd95 (2:00:29 AM): but dude, it's not called marathon
lod super theta (2:00:32 AM): JOIN PF'HORUMS!!!!
nd4spd95 (2:00:36 AM): it's called Lag-a-thon
lod super theta (2:00:39 AM): lol
nd4spd95 (2:00:52 AM): the single laggiest game eva
lod super theta (2:01:01 AM): join join join
lod super theta (2:01:06 AM): NOWZ
nd4spd95 (2:01:14 AM): smeesh
lod super theta (2:01:20 AM): whats smeesh
lod super theta (2:01:29 AM): sounds disgusting
lod super theta (2:02:17 AM): im posting this at pfhorums just for the hilaria-izm, er sumthing
lod super theta (2:02:46 AM): Becasue im funny, and martha stuart is not
lod super theta (2:02:55 AM): ILL GET YOU MARTHA!!!!!
nd4spd95 (2:03:01 AM): what?
nd4spd95 (2:03:04 AM): omg dude
nd4spd95 (2:03:12 AM): my friend was just on the news
lod super theta (2:03:14 AM): awesome Apple pie recapie my ass
lod super theta (2:03:20 AM): LOLWUT
lod super theta (2:03:26 AM): what about
nd4spd95 (2:03:30 AM): my friend was just on the news
lod super theta (2:03:34 AM): baout
nd4spd95 (2:03:56 AM): did u hear about those 2 whales in benicha?
lod super theta (2:04:00 AM): nope
lod super theta (2:04:04 AM): what about it
nd4spd95 (2:04:24 AM): well, there were 2 whales that got stuck in the sacremento river
nd4spd95 (2:04:29 AM): no stuck, but like IN the river
nd4spd95 (2:04:38 AM): and my friend got interviewed about it
lod super theta (2:04:41 AM): lol
lod super theta (2:04:43 AM): kk
nd4spd95 (2:05:02 AM): also, this guy that I knew got shot in the head
lod super theta (2:05:06 AM): uh the .mov will not play, too new, and the comp is deom 1999
nd4spd95 (2:05:06 AM): no jk
nd4spd95 (2:05:11 AM): NOOO!!!!
lod super theta (2:05:17 AM): the comp is from 1999
lod super theta (2:05:21 AM): >.>
nd4spd95 (2:05:25 AM): IT HAS TO PLAY!!!!!
nd4spd95 (2:05:27 AM): NOO!!!!!!
lod super theta (2:05:28 AM): it wont
nd4spd95 (2:05:34 AM): AOGIENAOINFAOIWEN
nd4spd95 (2:05:35 AM): ANWEOIGANWE
nd4spd95 (2:05:35 AM): FANWOIGNUOMNF
nd4spd95 (2:05:36 AM): KAWNMEFAOI0WNEF
nd4spd95 (2:05:37 AM): AKN FOKA W
nd4spd95 (2:05:37 AM): EKFMAPKWE FA
nd4spd95 (2:05:38 AM): OWEINFJ
nd4spd95 (2:05:39 AM): PWKENFAIOPWEFN
nd4spd95 (2:05:39 AM): PAENIFONN
nd4spd95 (2:05:40 AM): NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
lod super theta (2:05:45 AM): it says: cannoi CRASHING STIP!
lod super theta (2:05:49 AM): dammit
lod super theta (2:05:56 AM): you are making the comp slow
lod super theta (2:06:00 AM): its old
nd4spd95 (2:06:07 AM): gahh...
nd4spd95 (2:06:12 AM): why can't it play!?!?
nd4spd95 (2:06:17 AM): awwwww
lod super theta (2:06:20 AM): IT SAYS: cannot play the specified movie file, reason: old ass softwares
nd4spd95 (2:06:24 AM): it's the funniest video even
nd4spd95 (2:06:27 AM): ever*
nd4spd95 (2:06:38 AM): what can it play then?
lod super theta (2:06:43 AM): ill watch it tomorrow, when my comp ist almost 200 farenhight
nd4spd95 (2:06:50 AM): lol
nd4spd95 (2:07:49 AM): brb
lod super theta (2:07:50 AM): this chat is o holarious