My one has got to be from this weekend.
I went to my friends house for a lan party.
We had 6 people, and one of the games we played was DOW: Soulstorm.
Had some matches of it trying different teams and etc.
Then went onto a match of 3v3 that we thought were the best even teams....
We just didn't realize how even!
It was an annihilate game, (with the setting that control the majority of map) and it lasted 2 hours!
2 full hours of driving each others army back to the other teams base... it was constant struggle between our two sides.
and you want to know something? The first person to be annihilated was in the last 10 mins of the game!
Unfortunately it was my team mate and my base was smack bang between my two allies so I had next to no defense there and I lost half my base almost instantly =P
But his base also destroyed at the same time as we destroyed on of theirs... the sad thing is that he didn't make any back up bases in mine or our teammates base... which pretty much every other player did lol.
So anyone else have played any epic/close RTS Multiplayer games?