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 Lewessy and Levapotimus

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Ambassador of Funkytown

Männlich Number of posts : 4245
Age : 33
Location : Wonderland
User Title : Eyebrows...
Mood : Lewessy and Levapotimus Icon_eek
Attendance : Present
Registration date : 20.12.06

Lewessy and Levapotimus Empty
BeitragThema: Lewessy and Levapotimus   Lewessy and Levapotimus EmptyMi Nov 28, 2007 11:58 pm

Quite interesting is you will please look below...

Lewessy: i start to chat with leva when he gets his AIM screen name correct.

lewessy (1:20:58 AM): hey
lod super theta (1:21:01 AM): hi
lewessy (1:21:03 AM): how do I use ssh?
lod super theta (1:21:13 AM): not that easy
lewessy (1:21:15 AM): I have someone I can use
lod super theta (1:21:30 AM): First you have to download an SSH client and use proper VNC codes
lod super theta (1:21:47 AM): then get the other person's computer password and OS daemons
lod super theta (1:22:03 AM): calibrate the FPS
lewessy (1:22:21 AM): I have there i.p. and there passwords and there username
lewessy (1:22:31 AM): where do I download a client?
lod super theta (1:22:39 AM): whats his/her's OS?
lewessy (1:22:46 AM): wai lemme check
lewessy (1:23:06 AM): 10.3.9
lewessy (1:23:32 AM): thats his system
lod super theta (1:23:34 AM): Mac?
lewessy (1:23:37 AM): yeah
lod super theta (1:23:41 AM): And yours?
lewessy (1:23:45 AM): mac
lod super theta (1:23:50 AM): i mean version
lewessy (1:24:06 AM): 10.4.8
lod super theta (1:24:09 AM): not good
lod super theta (1:24:21 AM): You are going to have to use console commands
lod super theta (1:24:31 AM): his OS version is outdated for any VNC client
lod super theta (1:24:35 AM): even Apple's own
lewessy (1:24:47 AM): so how do do that?
lod super theta (1:25:07 AM): You have to learn UNIX and Coca programming languages
lewessy (1:25:17 AM): so do I just go into terminal and type ssh *name*@*ip*
lod super theta (1:25:34 AM): That, and a couple hundred commands and calibrations
lewessy (1:25:47 AM): can u direct me?
lod super theta (1:25:57 AM): developer.apple.com
lod super theta (1:26:15 AM): im an ADC member
lod super theta (1:26:32 AM): Anyways, 10.3 is a very old operating system
lewessy (1:26:39 AM): ok, can u let me use ur acc?
lod super theta (1:26:42 AM): he might not even have the processing power to execute the SSH
lod super theta (1:26:52 AM): No, sorry.
lewessy (1:26:56 AM): how do u know
lod super theta (1:27:46 AM): Know? Know what?
lewessy (1:27:58 AM): nvm
lod super theta (1:28:23 AM): Oh, because 10.3 is very very old. Its also very limited and different from your 10.4 system
lewessy (1:28:35 AM): yeah I know
lod super theta (1:28:44 AM): By the way, what is his AND your computer model?
lewessy (1:28:46 AM): hes got a eMac
lod super theta (1:28:53 AM): And you?
lewessy (1:28:55 AM): I got a maac mini
lod super theta (1:28:59 AM): No can do
lod super theta (1:29:05 AM): eMacs are defective by the way
lod super theta (1:29:14 AM): 3 to 4 years of life max
lewessy (1:29:14 AM): meaning?
lewessy (1:29:38 AM): ooh shit
lod super theta (1:29:46 AM): Mac mini has more power then an eMac! lol!
lewessy (1:29:52 AM): WOW
lod super theta (1:30:15 AM): Why do you need to SSH him anyways/
lod super theta (1:30:17 AM): ?
lewessy (1:30:24 AM): I want something he has
lod super theta (1:30:28 AM): As in/
lod super theta (1:30:29 AM): /
lewessy (1:30:33 AM): a mod
lod super theta (1:30:36 AM): :\ typo-rama
lod super theta (1:31:02 AM): Then tell him to upload the mod to http://www.filefront.com and send you the download link
lewessy (1:31:18 AM): he dont wanna upload
lod super theta (1:31:23 AM): Why not?
lewessy (1:31:33 AM): coz it his and I want it LOL
lod super theta (1:31:45 AM): Because he doesnt want you to have it?

lewessy (1:31:48 AM): BTW I'm dwnloading a SSH client
lewessy (1:31:52 AM): yeah
lod super theta (1:31:56 AM): not SSH, VNC
lewessy (1:32:00 AM): OMg
lod super theta (1:32:08 AM): ssh is for the reciever
lewessy (1:32:17 AM): oh right
lewessy (1:32:32 AM): I'll get em both
lod super theta (1:32:42 AM): By the way, no need for either
lewessy (1:32:49 AM): why?
lod super theta (1:32:56 AM): His OS is less advanced then yours, so it will not work
lewessy (1:33:00 AM): ok
lewessy (1:33:09 AM): but I want them for the future
lewessy (1:33:24 AM): http://sourceforge.net/projects/cotvnc/ is this any good?
lod super theta (1:33:30 AM): By the way, I will not take part in helping wiht immoral and as a matter of fact, illegal operations.
lewessy (1:34:00 AM): DW, if I get arrested, ull stay out of the operation
lod super theta (1:34:11 AM): False
lewessy (1:34:22 AM): is this agood VNC client
lewessy (1:34:24 AM): http://sourceforge.net/projects/cotvnc/
lewessy (1:34:30 AM): and what do u meen false
lod super theta (1:34:30 AM): I have that
lod super theta (1:35:09 AM): I may not go to jail, bu ti will still be a accompilace to you
lewessy (1:35:18 AM): nope
lewessy (1:35:22 AM): ~censored~ will be EXCUSEME?!?
lod super theta (1:35:27 AM): Excuse me/
lod super theta (1:35:28 AM): ?
lewessy (1:35:34 AM): he tought me
lod super theta (1:35:35 AM): Is that who you're trying to SSH?
lewessy (1:35:41 AM): no
lewessy (1:35:45 AM): as if
lod super theta (1:35:59 AM): But he did not teach you enough...
lod super theta (1:36:06 AM): Not nearly enough
lewessy (1:36:12 AM): I know
lewessy (1:36:32 AM): look, can u just help me please
lod super theta (1:36:45 AM): Information + Some bored person on AIM = Jailtime/Illegal acts
lod super theta (1:37:02 AM): So I refuse to pass on my information.
lewessy (1:37:20 AM): I live in australia
lewessy (1:37:38 AM): I don't know who u r or where u r
lod super theta (1:37:48 AM): Okay then.
lod super theta (1:38:21 AM): That makes it even MORE illigal, communist maybe
lewessy (1:38:57 AM): dude I have permission from Mota-Lev to ssh his computer
lod super theta (1:39:07 AM): Who is Mota-Lev?
lewessy (1:39:17 AM): the guy I'm trying to ssh
lod super theta (1:39:24 AM): Sure...
lewessy (1:39:32 AM): ask im
lod super theta (1:39:37 AM): Did you tell him why you are using SSH with his machine?
lewessy (1:39:44 AM): yep
lod super theta (1:39:54 AM): And he doesnt want you to have the file?
lewessy (1:40:05 AM): ok... I made that up
lod super theta (1:40:14 AM): >_>
lewessy (1:40:27 AM): srsly
lod super theta (1:41:05 AM): Mota-Lev doesn't exist
lewessy (1:41:13 AM): yes he does
lewessy (1:41:27 AM): look him up on www.macgamingmods.com/forum
lewessy (1:41:36 AM): his AIM is levapotomus
lod super theta (1:42:43 AM): Is he online?
lewessy (1:42:48 AM): soz
lewessy (1:42:52 AM): levapotimus
lod super theta (1:43:20 AM): Okay.
lewessy (1:43:23 AM): he is online
lod super theta (1:44:23 AM): Your efforts will be in vain
lewessy (1:44:34 AM): coz he gave me the wron pass
lewessy (1:44:38 AM): I know
lewessy (1:44:45 AM): I just want to know how to use SSH
lewessy (1:45:02 AM): I don't particularly want to look through anyones comps
lod super theta (1:45:06 AM): Hah.
lewessy (1:45:08 AM): I just want to knowhow 2 use
lod super theta (1:45:30 AM): Learn UNIX and Coca
lewessy (1:45:55 AM): how?
lod super theta (1:46:05 AM): developer.apple.com
lod super theta (1:46:49 AM): halo full huh?
lewessy (1:46:55 AM): yeah
lewessy (1:47:08 AM): he wants to send to me
lod super theta (1:47:18 AM): Wow
lod super theta (1:47:23 AM): Nice lie he just did
lod super theta (1:47:28 AM): 'nah jks"
lod super theta (1:47:58 AM): This information car crash is horrendus
lewessy (1:48:12 AM): what do you meen?
lod super theta (1:48:18 AM): Haha...
lod super theta (1:48:41 AM): Your friend and you are commiting an illegal act whilist sending the file...
lewessy (1:48:53 AM): i already have it
lewessy (1:49:02 AM): I just need an earlier version of
lod super theta (1:49:02 AM): Then why the hell is he sending it to you?
lewessy (1:49:08 AM): version 1.0.2
lod super theta (1:49:10 AM): Then get a downgrader
lewessy (1:49:37 AM): u can't unless u got an intell
lod super theta (1:50:01 AM): And do you?

lewessy (1:50:07 AM): nope PPC
lod super theta (1:50:20 AM): Okay
lod super theta (1:50:23 AM): Wow
lod super theta (1:50:26 AM): Just wow
lewessy (1:50:34 AM): about...
lod super theta (1:50:35 AM): Now hes saying he just wants to send you a mod
lewessy (1:50:46 AM): lol
lod super theta (1:51:06 AM): I dont htink i want to put up with this any longer
lewessy (1:51:09 AM): y dont u invite him into this convo
lewessy (1:51:35 AM): look, I'm sorry
lewessy (1:51:45 AM): all I want is to learn how to use ssh
lod super theta (1:52:04 AM): Then go to developer.apple.com
lewessy (1:52:13 AM): I am
lod super theta (1:52:17 AM): Good for you
lewessy (1:52:29 AM): I don't know where to find it though
lewessy (1:52:36 AM): where would it be?
lod super theta (1:52:57 AM): Look it up in seach
lewessy (1:53:02 AM): kk
lewessy (1:53:21 AM): tHANK U
lod super theta (1:54:41 AM): Do you have stuffit/
lod super theta (1:54:42 AM): ?
lewessy (1:54:48 AM): yes
lod super theta (1:54:50 AM): Good!
lewessy (1:54:57 AM): why?
lod super theta (1:55:18 AM): he is sending you an encrypted stuffit zip file
lod super theta (1:56:06 AM): No need for SSH

Levapotimus: now when lewessy gets the AIM screen name right.

lod super theta (1:43:15 AM): Giving out personal and information that could prove to be a security risk on the internet is the stupidest thing i have ever seen.
levapotimus (1:43:28 AM): uhuh
lod super theta (1:43:41 AM): Why do it/
levapotimus (1:43:57 AM): i lied
levapotimus (1:44:01 AM): thats not the pass
lod super theta (1:44:01 AM): About?
levapotimus (1:44:03 AM): and besides
lod super theta (1:44:05 AM): Oh...
levapotimus (1:44:07 AM): i got my firewall up
lod super theta (1:44:13 AM): Good for you.
levapotimus (1:44:43 AM): hand made and crafted in the black forest cabala
lod super theta (1:44:49 AM): He cant even acces your computer due to lack of programming knowledge and abbility to understand what the hell im saying to him.
levapotimus (1:44:59 AM): can u teach me?
lod super theta (1:45:10 AM): No
lod super theta (1:45:12 AM): Why/
lod super theta (1:45:13 AM): /
levapotimus (1:45:14 AM): oh but but
lod super theta (1:45:14 AM): ?
levapotimus (1:45:24 AM): i wanna learn to send him the mod
lod super theta (1:45:37 AM): Oh brother...
lod super theta (1:45:46 AM): Just upload to http://www.filefront.com
lod super theta (1:45:52 AM): And send him the download link.
levapotimus (1:45:59 AM): if i don't get it the first time then
levapotimus (1:46:04 AM): i wont bother u
lod super theta (1:46:14 AM): How big is the file?
levapotimus (1:46:23 AM): ok i lied its halo full
lod super theta (1:46:28 AM): ...
levapotimus (1:46:35 AM): haha
lod super theta (1:46:41 AM): You know that IS infact an illegal act
levapotimus (1:46:49 AM): yeah
lod super theta (1:47:04 AM): Sorry, illegal acts are reported in my book
levapotimus (1:47:11 AM): fuck ead
levapotimus (1:47:13 AM): nah jks
levapotimus (1:47:21 AM): so wot u do is illegal
lod super theta (1:47:37 AM): What i used to do.
lod super theta (1:47:44 AM): Almost jailtime you know
levapotimus (1:48:33 AM): i figured
levapotimus (1:49:17 AM): so can u teach me?
lod super theta (1:49:20 AM): No
levapotimus (1:49:28 AM): oh what a dog
lod super theta (1:49:33 AM): I will nto take part in assisting two people commit an illegal act.
levapotimus (1:49:42 AM): okok
lod super theta (1:49:50 AM): That is against my own personal preference.
levapotimus (1:49:54 AM): will u help me send him a mod
lod super theta (1:50:06 AM): yes
levapotimus (1:50:12 AM): ty
lod super theta (1:50:16 AM): Filefront.com
levapotimus (1:50:19 AM): ok how would i go about sendin this mod
levapotimus (1:50:21 AM): no
levapotimus (1:50:26 AM): its a early beta
levapotimus (1:50:32 AM): and ppl find them on filefront to easy
lod super theta (1:50:46 AM): Then use savefile.com
levapotimus (1:50:56 AM): they find them on the net to easy
lod super theta (1:51:18 AM): Jeese
lod super theta (1:51:22 AM): Why so paranoid/
levapotimus (1:52:53 AM): dw i just learnt how
lod super theta (1:53:44 AM): Its not a security issue as long as you give it a password
lod super theta (1:53:48 AM): Do you have Stuffit?
levapotimus (1:53:55 AM): yeah
lod super theta (1:53:57 AM): Good!
lod super theta (1:54:03 AM): Go into preferences
lod super theta (1:54:14 AM): And find in the ZIP section
levapotimus (1:54:25 AM): ok
lod super theta (1:54:26 AM): you should see file encryption and passowrd, somewhere
levapotimus (1:54:46 AM): ok yes
levapotimus (1:54:50 AM): do i put a pass on it?
levapotimus (1:54:54 AM): uhuh thanks
lod super theta (1:54:54 AM): yes
lod super theta (1:55:04 AM): Give the password to your friend and upload!
levapotimus (1:55:26 AM): ok thanks
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WHMT Member

Männlich Number of posts : 2286
Age : 31
Location : Somewere Near YOU!
Mood : Lewessy and Levapotimus Icon_neutral
Attendance : Present
Registration date : 16.01.07

Lewessy and Levapotimus Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Lewessy and Levapotimus   Lewessy and Levapotimus EmptyDo Nov 29, 2007 12:56 am

i have no clue y u posted that. whATever it is its very long.... to long.....
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Ambassador of Funkytown

Männlich Number of posts : 4245
Age : 33
Location : Wonderland
User Title : Eyebrows...
Mood : Lewessy and Levapotimus Icon_eek
Attendance : Present
Registration date : 20.12.06

Lewessy and Levapotimus Empty
BeitragThema: Re: Lewessy and Levapotimus   Lewessy and Levapotimus EmptyDo Nov 29, 2007 12:57 am

I noticed the LIST is long, but minus one chat and you might read it.
So dig in.
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