Just, yay.
RazorWorksS (4:19:07 PM): hey?
lod super theta (4:19:11 PM): Yes
lod super theta (4:19:14 PM): ?
RazorWorksS (4:19:31 PM): wann play now or got more chores or homework?
RazorWorksS (4:19:57 PM): ??
lod super theta (4:20:08 PM): I'm administrating on a gmod server
lod super theta (4:20:15 PM): I dont really play halo any more
RazorWorksS (4:20:21 PM): crap+
RazorWorksS (4:20:33 PM):
lod super theta (4:20:39 PM): All I have it for is to make mods
RazorWorksS (4:21:17 PM): so u think its boring to play?
lod super theta (4:21:29 PM): yeah
lod super theta (4:21:40 PM): Halo 3 and Garry's Mod are the main games I play now
RazorWorksS (4:21:55 PM): ....................
RazorWorksS (4:22:03 PM):
RazorWorksS (4:27:30 PM): fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuCK
lod super theta (4:28:06 PM): Wash your tits
RazorWorksS (4:28:21 PM): ???wth lol???
lod super theta (4:29:06 PM): brb phone
RazorWorksS (4:29:17 PM): lollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollol
RazorWorksS (4:29:22 PM): lollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollollolloll
RazorWorksS (4:35:09 PM): DAMIT!
lod super theta (4:35:16 PM): UNE-Ventv 1
lod super theta (4:35:18 PM): wtf
RazorWorksS (4:35:26 PM): BLUB
RazorWorksS (4:35:32 PM): "BURP"
lod super theta (4:35:34 PM): ?
RazorWorksS (4:35:42 PM): SQEEZELS!
lod super theta (4:35:45 PM): ...
RazorWorksS (4:35:48 PM): ...
RazorWorksS (4:36:00 PM): hehehe
RazorWorksS (4:36:28 PM): u sure u cant play halo?
RazorWorksS (4:36:36 PM): pweeeeeeezzz
RazorWorksS (4:37:30 PM): awwww!
RazorWorksS (4:38:22 PM): traitor.......
RazorWorksS (4:39:33 PM): Damn u
lod super theta (4:39:48 PM): Why do you always say that
RazorWorksS (4:39:57 PM): what?
lod super theta (4:40:01 PM): Damn me?
RazorWorksS (4:40:08 PM): urm
RazorWorksS (4:40:11 PM): ....
RazorWorksS (4:40:16 PM): wait
RazorWorksS (4:47:19 PM): u will see
RazorWorksS (4:47:23 PM): traitor......
lod super theta (4:47:35 PM): Okay...
RazorWorksS (4:47:56 PM): when tinypic has uplaoded it ull see.........
RazorWorksS (4:47:59 PM): hehehe
RazorWorksS (4:49:15 PM):
RazorWorksS (4:49:19 PM): now
RazorWorksS (4:49:34 PM): no this one
RazorWorksS (4:49:35 PM):
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2h7jitz&s=3lod super theta (4:49:38 PM): lol
RazorWorksS (4:49:41 PM): now u see traitor
RazorWorksS (4:49:56 PM): green giant dosent like u!!!
RazorWorksS (4:50:22 PM):
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2h7jitz&s=3RazorWorksS (4:50:25 PM): OOOO
lod super theta (4:50:27 PM): Wtf is the green giant, some 3 year old storynook monster that rapes chikldren?
RazorWorksS (4:50:41 PM): its a corn producer
RazorWorksS (4:50:45 PM): lolololol
lod super theta (4:50:50 PM): K
RazorWorksS (4:50:52 PM): they make corn
RazorWorksS (4:50:58 PM): no not k
lod super theta (4:51:01 PM): So do you, with your corny remarks
RazorWorksS (4:51:03 PM): u say corny
RazorWorksS (4:51:13 PM): now u get it lol
RazorWorksS (4:51:23 PM): are u rofl
lod super theta (4:51:28 PM): What?
RazorWorksS (4:51:35 PM): are u rofl
lod super theta (4:51:40 PM): No...
RazorWorksS (4:51:46 PM): are u rolf
RazorWorksS (4:51:48 PM): ??
RazorWorksS (4:52:14 PM): mmm cookies
lod super theta (4:52:21 PM): No...
RazorWorksS (4:52:33 PM): mmmmmpaint brushes
lod super theta (4:52:34 PM): Why would your petty attempts to insult me make me laugh
RazorWorksS (4:52:52 PM): y u sqay they are pretty?
lod super theta (4:53:04 PM): Yeah...
RazorWorksS (4:53:10 PM):
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2h7jitz&s=3lod super theta (4:53:21 PM): You posted that shitty picture 3 times
RazorWorksS (4:53:28 PM):
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2h7jitz&s=3RazorWorksS (4:53:28 PM): '
RazorWorksS (4:53:31 PM): hehe
RazorWorksS signed off at 4:53:36 PM.