i found my first ever omegle chat:
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
You: how are you stranger?
Stranger: Quite good old chap. And how are you on this marvelous evening?
You: ahh not bad, not bad at all
Stranger: You are a good person dont let anyone tell you different!
You: umm... ok i wont... and if i think they are about to i will just block my ears and go "lalalala!"
Stranger: Haha good Idea.
Stranger: Man.. its 4 am.
Stranger: I should prolly go to bed..
Stranger: but im not tired
You: yeah...
You: it's 9 pm here
Stranger: Where ya from?
You: the great nowhere country of new zealand
Stranger: Oh, I dont know much about new zealand. I just talked to someone from australia though haha
Stranger: Is it winter for you?
You: yeah pretty much,
Stranger: That sucks.
You: although i don't find it cold and everyone else does lol
You: and i like winter, perfer it better than the summer... too hot..
Stranger: oh my god its fucking blazing hot in the summer where I live
You: wait... how can you perfer something better? hmm.... lol
Stranger: And freezing cold in the winter
Stranger: lol
You: where's that?
Stranger: Middle of the United States
You: oh i see...
Stranger: Yeah. So do you like it in New Zealand?
You: yeah... well.... i've never been anywhere else so i got nothing to compare it with so yeah... i like it lol
Stranger: lol. True. I heard New Zealand is beautiful though. I think it would be cool to go there some time
You: yeah, also just travelling around the landscape changes so much... for such a small area lol
Stranger: lol. Yeah.
Stranger: So how old are you?
You: umm... why do you wana know? are you gonna stalk me!! lolz jsk im 17
Stranger: haha no. im 16
Stranger: M or F?
You: Male
Stranger: Same
Stranger: So what sports do you watch there?
You: I don't really watch sports lol
Stranger: lol.
You: i wish we had more ice hockey teams tho.. then i would lol
Stranger: Hockey is cool. I like hockey
Stranger: But I like going to hockey games. not watching them on TV
You: right yeah i see how that is better
Stranger: So what do you do in your free time if you aren't into sports?
You: umm... working lol
You: and talking to friends.... and being bored.... and wishing... lolz
Stranger: lol. Yeah I have been trying to get a job
Stranger: But are economy is shit right now.
You: yeah it sucks when the economy sucks lol
Stranger: LOL!
Stranger: Well it seems the economy sucks everywhere
You: yeah nz is in a resseson right now and its aparrently gona be the last country to recover or something...
You: or atleast what i have been hearing lol
Stranger: lol.
You: and because of that and the swine flu we have already had over 5 airlines close lol poor them...
Stranger: Wow. Swine flu isnt that bad here.
Stranger: At least... not yet
You: its not either.. but its coming down on the travel side hard.. they are having to change almost everything and etc..
You: i dont actually know much bout it, i only know bits and peices, i usely don't follow news lol
Stranger: Wow. It is nice to hear about other countries. Seems the news only cares about how we are doing.
You: meh that's how most media work.,.. unless there is a war on..
Stranger: true...
You: we get hardly anything on other countrys on our news channels unless theres a war and/or big tragedaty (soz for the spelling....)
Stranger: hehe its fine
You: I've never been a good speller, and when i start drinking it becomes worst lol
Stranger: haha. Can't drink here til Im 21
You: in new zealand can't buy alcamahol(spelt wrong on purpose) until you are 18 but if it's on a private residence there is no age on drinking it, it is the owners control/decision, pretty cool aye? lol
Stranger: Can... can I come over?
You: so police can't come and charge for minors drinking, only if they are being rowdy and/or loud
You: lol
You: and noise doesn't matter we i live(in an industral area)
Stranger: Lucky...
You: i know... havn't had a party in ages tho... been working too much lol
Stranger: lol well that sucks.
Stranger: lol I dont think i have ever talked to someone this long on this site
You: lol, this is my first time talking on here lol
You: I was told about it from my friend a while back
Stranger: oh yeah.
You: and i was bored so i decided to try it lol
Stranger: lol. Yeah.
Stranger: Well it was good talking with you.
Stranger: Bye!
You: seeya
Your conversational partner has disconnected.