Where have I been? Everywhere! I've been filming in H2, I've been managing my youtube, and I've been working on these!
This is the same mod with different skin sets.
That, is a prototype H3 AR.
New FP skin (made by
Pred1ator of iSkin forums. Awaiting permission but just saying IT'S HIS!)
Will be released with restored skins.
Digital readout will be different. Much different. This is just a prototype
Numbers will be shorter,
Compass will be changed.
Working on a new reticle.
Whole digital readout is darker.
Phisical differences:
Better acuracy
Zoom, (yes. It's REEALLY easy to edit in)
Longer range.
Working on editing rate of fire. (will become slower)
Max ammo: will be more.
There will be a little more damage per hit.
NOW my Pre-alpha AR MA5Q assault rifle skins.
Simalar mod. Only red and black. Skins will change DRASTICALLY before going public. It will have all the features of the MA5C mod except that it will have a FASTER rate of fire and it's red and black with more stuffs on the digital Screen.
Well...Here it is... Tell me what you think... And I need a few things for this.
I need someone to make a request reticule for the mods. If anyone knows how, Please PM me.
I NEED to know how to hex edit ROF and acurracy. If anyone knows how...Pm me...
Well, Reviews?