If you didn't know, bungie is working on 3 new maps. One has already been previewed by users and two others will be previewed today.
The one that has already been previewed is
Ghost Town. Which is a close quarters map (hurray!) that takes place in a jungle somewhere in Africa.
The map is something rare in the halo series, because it looks like a map that would normally be in call of duty, where there are more places to hide and less places to walk around. None the less people are still hoping this map is going to be revolutionary and fun to play.
The other two maps have not been shown to non-employees and staff members, however, we did get some glimpses of new camouflaged vehicles (indicating the climate at least one of the maps will take the role of) that look pretty damn awesome!
Snow-capped mongooseChilled ScorpionIce-crusted treadsA kindler, gentler Hornet. Stay frostyThese will be shown with the new maps today and I will post pictures of them soon!